Thursday, September 25, 2008

Listening to the Whispers Within

In a world where instant gratification is becoming more and more rampant, the issue of time itself can become a discouraging factor when imagining how long our journeys may take. Each dream and journey could take years, even a complete lifetime to obtain and travel to. Time is essential to the process as there are necessary experiences that we will need to endure and valuable lessons that we will have to extract in order to reach our destination. Do not allow the uncontrollable to discourage you.

The circumstances we live in and our daily routines hinder our dreams from moving forward and prevent our desires from taking action without even being aware of it. We sometimes confuse an eventful life with a fulfilled one. We allow our days to interfere with our destinies by focusing most or all of our emotions and actions on insignificant and irrelevant matters. We are all born with dreams and desires and have places we want to go. Do not let the longing to find a place where you can stop and rest cause you to settle down short of your destination. Extract your lessons and continue on with your journey.

We need to step away from the world we live in from time to time, sit in silence, and hear what our hearts and souls are whispering within us. We need to remove ourselves from the everyday sameness and think about where it is that we want to go. We need to follow our hearts by closing our eyes and becoming aware of our inner surroundings. We all have an imaginary sanctuary that we travel to when we close our eyes to rest at night or when the world we live in is not in harmony with whom we really are or who we really need to be.

Go now, sit back in silence, and listen to the whispers within.

Michelle C. Ustaszeski is a writer and photographer of inspirational and motivational art. She believes that if you can prematurely feel the emotions of your desired outcome, your reservations have been made and reaching your destination is simply a matter of time. (Your friends at

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

On Attitude & Self Esteem

I believe GOD has played a part in whatever success I achieved in life. The family I was born into, the opportunities that came my way and the strength that "HE" gave me to work hard are the factors which helped me succeed.

Though we can't change our basic destiny, we can work towards bettering it everyday. I believe what goes around come around. Our deeds get equalized in this very life itself.

Not too many of us are as blessed, we take our public faces too seriously and forget to look within ourselves and make time for the real person inside. And yet when we do so, it gives everything we do meaning and gives us a fresh reason to be.