Thursday, September 3, 2009

Create the life you want to live...

“You have to take life as it happens, but you should try to make it happen the way you want to take it.” It is a German saying.

We think that by the time we turn 40 or 50 things will fall into place by them. But I don’t want to just let my life “happen” to me but plan to take all steps necessary to design the kind of life I want to live.

I am not willing to just go with the crowd, or follow the path that’s unperturbed and find myself wondering what has happened to my life many years down the road! I am ready to take that chance, after all, I only have one life and I can’t turn back time.

Like everyone else, I also feel the need to be financially independent, I need freedom, wealth, want to maintain a certain lifestyle. But I do not know what they actually mean.

So I must take the time right now to work out a blueprint for my life. I read somewhere that “designing your life is like making a film”. You should be able to see the ending at the beginning of it. Though it might start out a little unclear, but as one continues to work on it, it would become more clear with every passing stage. Using your imagination, dreams, hopes, and wishes, you’ve got to be the scriptwriter of this drama.

At any point in time, I shall not stop working on this life project of mine. If I don’t take charge of my life now, how will I know when? So wish me luck… as I begin with a positive thought process, the ability to look at the brighter side of things, and a good hope...