Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Am Rich...I Have Friends...

One of the many blessings that God has bestowed upon each one of us is friendship. I am grateful for the lasting friendships that I’ve cultivated through the years. As a woman, I know that true friendship is a valued commodity. This is a relationship that must to be treasured and revered for a lifetime.

I’ve experienced friendships that have come and gone because of misunderstandings, differences in lifestyles, spiritual and personal growth. For whatever reasons, they have left an enduring mark on my heart about what friendship truly is.

I am known to be a very outgoing person today and can interact with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. I believe this too is one of the many gifts God has conferred on me. And I say this with great humility. As a child I was very introverted and reserved. Throughout my early years, I knew people but longed for friends.

But as I matured, I learnt to filter through those relationships that weren't holding me up in the best light.

For me, any relationship whether it is personal or professional is one that is based on character, brilliance, and standards that I set for my own life. It may not be perfect but one of value that adds to and not distracts me from who I am.

I find pure joy in laughing at my weirdness, the silly things I say and do. Now that I’ve become comfortable with myself, I realize I don't need a bunch of people to feel good.

When I think like I'm not where I should be, I smile and remember where I came from. When I fear walking out of my comfort zone, I feel the fear and say, "go for it girl" and a way will be made because God never fails. Learn to be you - love you!

I read something very interesting somewhere, “Wherever you think you aren't in life yet should never be a signal of where you are headed.”

Networking is one of the newest concepts in building relationships, be it personal or professional. But with time, I have realized that all I need is to surround myself with people that support my vision; even if it means a smaller and a more personal meeting.