Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Laughter is the Honey of Life

I honestly believe that a sense of humor can make the difference between running the rat race and easing down the road.

Like appreciation, you can always find something to laugh at. We’ve always been told that 'Laughter is the best medicine’, but don’t you think there's something more to a good chuckle than just raising our spirits for a couple of minutes.

Let’s start with a very sensitive issue with most people today; WEIGHT! Did you know that a hearty giggle raises the heart rate and speeds up the metabolism? Have you heard the phrase 'my sides ache' after laughing too much? Well, then you shouldn’t be surprised. A good belly laugh exercises the diaphragm, and contracts the abdominal muscles along with working out the shoulders, therefore making you feel a lot more relaxed.

As a matter of fact, laughing 100 times is as good as spending 10 minutes on the rowing machine or 15 minutes on a stationary bike. So go ahead and laugh the extra calories off.

Laughter is as much about social relationships as it is about wittiness. If you can make people around you laugh out loud, you're likely to have a good circle of friends. People love to be with someone who can make them cheerful. Also, you're likely to improve your productivity at work. Better communication, a good sense of humor helps you to become a team player in no time because most things we laugh at aren't necessarily jokes, but comments in everyday conversation.

We know that everything is funny as long as it is happening to “someone else”; TRUE! But it is also very healthy to laugh often at your own self. It has many benefits. For example; if someone makes a stingy remark on you, your outfit, your views, or your work, make a joke out of it and be the first to laugh at it. It’ll not only disarm him/ her but will also save you from getting into an argument.

Life is too short and so is time. Stop worrying about every small thing in life and start enjoying every single moment bestowed upon you.

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