Friday, October 29, 2010

Why I Love to Get Up Early in the Morning

If you are typically a “night person” who hates to get up early every day and that works well for you, I think it’s great! There’s no reason to change your lifestyle, especially if you’re happy with it. But for me, getting up early in the morning is a blessing. It has helped me become a better person in so many ways that I can never imagine.

There are many things that motivate me to rise early. I'd like to share a few of them with you.

The early morning hours are so quiet and peaceful:
It’s my favorite time of day. I truly enjoy that time to myself, when I can think, when I can breathe, when I can dream. Mornings are the most productive time of day; at least for me. I do all my work that requires me to concentrate and pay attention to just work. There are no distractions; no cars, no television noise, no phone calls, and no door bells to answer.

Since I can get so much more done by starting on my work in the morning, when evening rolls around, I am free to spend time with family.

Best time to pray and say thanks for all the blessings: Isn't it strange that no matter how busy you are, you somehow find time to eat, sleep, work, go shopping, meet friends but hardly find any time to pray. Mornings allow you to connect with your inner self and offer gratitude to Him for even the simplest things that make your life worth living.

Mornings offer time to plan the day: Starting my day with extra time to plan it relieves most of my stress. I have experienced that a day well spent brings with it a sense of satisfaction that goes with me to the bed, hence assuring a sound sleep.

First meal of the day; Eat like a king: I’m told that breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. When you have sufficient time for a good breakfast, your body is saved from consuming all the unhealthy stuff that you can lay your hands on the way to work, or at your work station. Also, when you eat breakfast while reading an interesting book or follow it up with a nice cup of coffee, it is even more enjoyable.

How important is exercise to you: I know and strongly feel that exercising right after work is very enjoyable and distressing but I’ve seen that it is more likely to be cancelled in the evening because of many activities that come up. An exercise regimen for the morning is however cancelled.

Just like I did, you too can discover your motivation to get up early. Like everything else in life, one needs some kind of motivation too to rise early in the morning. I love to have my morning tea in solitude, enjoying every sip of it, and thinking only about how good it tastes. I also like to write in the morning, so that’s another reason.

For me, an amazing end to the day is when you have been able to do some good work. The feeling of satisfaction and contentment that you get as you lie down and close your eyes is immense and cannot be compared to any other thing.

Having said that, I know it’s not easy for most of us to get up in time but I’ll be happy to share with you some simple but tried and tested formulas to make an easy shift...till then; Happy Sleeping!


Dhruv said...

Hi Kavita,
your blog is quite refreshing,liked your post"Why I Love to Get Up Early in the Morning"'s grt to share something good which you've experienced and let ppl learn from it.
Moreover it has been scientifically proven that exposure to sunrise is a natural mood booster,it trigges brain's production of a neurochemical called serotonin,which gives a sense of well being.
keep up the gd work :)


Kavita said...

Thanks Dhruv for the kind words. I greatly appreciate you taking the time to go through my blog and sharing your feedback.

I believe that in today's busy world where we find no time to sit with friends and family, internet makes it easy to connect with online readers like you and share the tit bits of life. Happy reading...

Warm regards,