Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Joy of Wonder

The charm of life lies in the joy of wonder. When we encounter the unseen, the unheard and the unknown, we experience a lot of excitement. This excitement, when it is pleasant, is the essence of life.
Often, sad but true, wonder is equated with childishness rather than a childlikeness. And that is why most of us, cought in the tumble of urban life, keep our sense of wonder to ourselves, lest the other person perceive us as an overgrown child.
And gradually, unshared and unsung, the joy of wonder dies. This sense of wonder has to be nurtured for it to grow.
Wonder, often feeds on hope, which is another essential component of life.
Although most of us have no time or opportunity to amble into the meadows or climb a hill in search of the adventure, just keeping windows of the mind open to the sense of wonder is a quest that takes you towards situations yet unexplored.

And the best part about a sense of wonder is that it can be inculcated.

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