Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You are all right!

The reason we have come to the universe is to learn.Growth is the purpose of human existence.We are meant to grow in all kinds of skills and qualities until we reach such a fine stage of being that we transcend our ego.We become realized things.This means that mistakes are totally the part of the curriculum. How would we learn otherwise?
We are always forgiven for everything we do.Yes our actions have consequences, but these consequences are not punishments because they are not meted out in anger and condemnation.

Consequences create a just and accountable world and must exist, but the love of GOD for his creation never falters.Even as we fall and stumble, GOD feels our pain and feels for us; and he never loses trust or faith in us.He goads us gently to try again and again until we learn our lesson. He wants us to succeed.
Everything that we go through in life is expressly for this one thing - to teach us what we need to know in order to finally go beyond the ego.Remember this and it will make it easier to forgive yourself and to try again.

In short. you are not all wrong - you are all right!

(excerpts from an article by Suma Varughese......)

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