Monday, December 28, 2009

Wish You All a Bigger, Better, and a Richer time, Happy New Year!

A New Year is Dawning… embrace it with a heart filled with warmth and affection. There’s too much to be thankful for… Life, Freedom, Love, Family, and Friends…. So stress less and enjoy the nip in the air.

If you focus on getting better – every single day – all other dimensions of your life will gel amazingly and set together beautifully…

Believe that the hand of God is on your head…
Believe that the goodness of the earth surrounds you…
Believe that you are meant to be…
Believe in the power of yourself…

Wish you all a bigger, better, and a richer time, Happy New Year!

Life's Rocking...

Perfect winter weather, that is! Celebrate the chill; snuggle up to your loved ones, bask in the warmth of their affection. Life is really beautiful. See what you have and reckon your blessings. You’ll wonder what you’ve done to deserve God’s generosity.

There’s something very appealing about all things new – be it an outfit, a relationship, a home or a newborn. The New Year is just as special. – It gifts us the opportunity to infuse fresh perspective into our lives. And the opportunity to embrace the new sunshine with spirited warmth. Happy New Year to You! May 2010 gift you everything that is good for you…

Affection – a simple emotion that sits easily on the giver as well as the receiver, giving immense happiness to both. It is undemanding. So go ahead, shower it on people you like and love; it makes an excellent New Year Gift!

Have a great Year, Seize every day. Live every moment…

“Believe In Yourself.”

It’s the beginning of a whole New Year; and it would be the beginning of a whole New ME. I would change all the many things that bother me about my life. It’s time for some serious stuff, to take a hard look at my life and see what works and what can be scrapped.

* So, all those people who get me down with negativity will be deleted from my address book.

* No more going to the parties and events where all you do is air kiss rather that speak to one another.

* No longer will I make the mistake of confusing business contacts and professional networks with genuine Friends.

* I will take time to reconnect with those who matter to me. This means meaningful conversations rather that a quick sms or an obligatory phone call, long lazy lunches rather that a hurried coffee, face to face meetings rather than a poke on orkut.

* I will do some serious reading. The kind of reading that improves your mind and makes you a better person.

* I will learn a new talent. Quite what that will be is a bit tricky to work out.

Stretch your thinking, break-lose, move out and become the person you have always wanted to be. Your dreams are not beyond your reach.

Who dares to try can never be a total failure. What YOU are going to be is a resolution only YOU will make.

“A Foolproof Recipe for Riches and Lifestyle Building”

I make sure that I review all my savings, investments, and personal acquisitions during a period of one year or two years.

I start with asking myself the following questions;

Did I become a better person by acquiring more knowledge?

Did I learn a new and exciting skill that made me proud?

Did I buy a car, a piece of jewelry, some object that made me feel happy, joyful, and rich?

Did I listen to better music and see the best films?

Did I wear better clothes and enjoy being who I am?

Did I travel to a new place and make this a journey of discovery?

Did I give a new meaning to friendship, relationships, and hospitality?

Did I enjoy the festivals and celebrations that bought people to my home?

Was my home comfortable enough for my loved ones?

Then I add up my investments in jewelry, art, property, and the money market to arrive at the total wealth I've earned during the period.

Only when the sum total of the priceless joys and experiences I have gathered and the concrete confidence of my increasing wealth seems impressive, I consider myself truly rich!