Monday, December 28, 2009

Life's Rocking...

Perfect winter weather, that is! Celebrate the chill; snuggle up to your loved ones, bask in the warmth of their affection. Life is really beautiful. See what you have and reckon your blessings. You’ll wonder what you’ve done to deserve God’s generosity.

There’s something very appealing about all things new – be it an outfit, a relationship, a home or a newborn. The New Year is just as special. – It gifts us the opportunity to infuse fresh perspective into our lives. And the opportunity to embrace the new sunshine with spirited warmth. Happy New Year to You! May 2010 gift you everything that is good for you…

Affection – a simple emotion that sits easily on the giver as well as the receiver, giving immense happiness to both. It is undemanding. So go ahead, shower it on people you like and love; it makes an excellent New Year Gift!

Have a great Year, Seize every day. Live every moment…

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