Monday, December 28, 2009

“Believe In Yourself.”

It’s the beginning of a whole New Year; and it would be the beginning of a whole New ME. I would change all the many things that bother me about my life. It’s time for some serious stuff, to take a hard look at my life and see what works and what can be scrapped.

* So, all those people who get me down with negativity will be deleted from my address book.

* No more going to the parties and events where all you do is air kiss rather that speak to one another.

* No longer will I make the mistake of confusing business contacts and professional networks with genuine Friends.

* I will take time to reconnect with those who matter to me. This means meaningful conversations rather that a quick sms or an obligatory phone call, long lazy lunches rather that a hurried coffee, face to face meetings rather than a poke on orkut.

* I will do some serious reading. The kind of reading that improves your mind and makes you a better person.

* I will learn a new talent. Quite what that will be is a bit tricky to work out.

Stretch your thinking, break-lose, move out and become the person you have always wanted to be. Your dreams are not beyond your reach.

Who dares to try can never be a total failure. What YOU are going to be is a resolution only YOU will make.

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