Monday, December 28, 2009

“A Foolproof Recipe for Riches and Lifestyle Building”

I make sure that I review all my savings, investments, and personal acquisitions during a period of one year or two years.

I start with asking myself the following questions;

Did I become a better person by acquiring more knowledge?

Did I learn a new and exciting skill that made me proud?

Did I buy a car, a piece of jewelry, some object that made me feel happy, joyful, and rich?

Did I listen to better music and see the best films?

Did I wear better clothes and enjoy being who I am?

Did I travel to a new place and make this a journey of discovery?

Did I give a new meaning to friendship, relationships, and hospitality?

Did I enjoy the festivals and celebrations that bought people to my home?

Was my home comfortable enough for my loved ones?

Then I add up my investments in jewelry, art, property, and the money market to arrive at the total wealth I've earned during the period.

Only when the sum total of the priceless joys and experiences I have gathered and the concrete confidence of my increasing wealth seems impressive, I consider myself truly rich!

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