Monday, July 26, 2010

Climb Your Way To Fitness

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression "use it or lose it". And when it comes to exercise, this expression holds true. If you don't use your body, you are sure to lose it. Your muscles will become slack and fragile. Your heart and lungs won't function efficiently and your joints will become stiff and prone to injuries. Did you know that inactivity is as much of a health risk as smoking!

If you are looking for a simple work out that is convenient and provides aerobic conditioning, strength and endurance, stair climbing could be the right choice. It works well if you find it difficult to hit the gym or regularly attend aerobic sessions.

Walking up and down the stairs has not only proved to be a complete work out in itself but also perks up the cardiovascular health of the person.

But there are certain points that you must keep in mind before you make it a part of your fitness regimen. One, it is very important to maintain the right posture while climbing stairs. Slumping or bending forward may injure your lower back. Two, keep your foot firmly on the step, look straight and keep your back straight. Three, stair climbing should be done only three or four days in a week so that the muscles are not overexerted. You can do some running or cycling on other days. Last but not the least is safety.

Climbing down the stairs is more strenuous as compared to upward movement as you have to hold your feet back. So, go easy, at least for a first few days and ensure that the area is well-lit.

Let me share with you the many benefits of stair climbing;

It is a great way of losing body fat and toning up thigh muscles. It firms up legs, stomach and butt.

It is highly time efficient. Stair climbing takes just half the time of what other aerobic activities take to burn up a given number of calories.

This activity can be combined with running, swimming, and cycling for best results.

You don’t require any expensive or specific equipment and can therefore be carried out at any time of the day.

Studies have proved that stair climbing improves bone density and if it is incorporated in your daily exercise regimen, good cholesterol levels rise in the body.

A word of caution; those suffering from hypertension should avoid this activity because it has been confirmed that blood pressure rises during stair climbing exercises. People with certain cardiovascular disorders or orthopedic problems should also consult their doctor before taking up this vigorous exercise.

Put this to the test right away and make stair climbing a regular physical activity. To make it more interesting, you can even play some music while going up and getting down the stairs.

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