Monday, July 12, 2010

Don't be Weak in Organizing Your Weeks

How does one know at the end of the day if he has had a good day? Most people I know try to remain busy all day, so they don’t feel guilty of not making the most of their time. And when the day is over, they can feel good about the fact that they had a very busy day. It makes them feel really good.

But actually things that are not urgent or are irrelevant do not become important even if you do them well. Managing your time is what is required that just spending time doing trivial things.

One of the best ways to meet this challenge is a concept that I came across while doing some random reading. It recommends dividing your week into three types of days:

Working days: On a working day you do only those activities which bring you money, i.e., attending office, doing professional assignments and tasks. You have to carry out only those activities that bring you money.

Buffer days: On a buffer day all you do is prepare for the working days; paper work and research etc. You know it’s a buffer day and you concentrate only on getting ready for the working days.

Free Days: On a free day, you don’t do any activity related to work. You have the freedom to use those days for relaxation, party, and doing family activities.

It all starts with blocking the days in your calendar at the beginning of every week or month and then stick to it.

You might find a bit odd in the beginning because it will force you to live in a certain way till the time you get accustomed to it. But if you religiously follow it, your life will change for good.

Your next step? Spend 10 minutes and divide your activities into working days and buffer days. Fix one day to remain free and see what happens. Good Luck!

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