Monday, July 19, 2010

Work Upon Striking A Work Life Balance

Rich as it is, the relationship between personal and professional life can be unsteady and to maintain the work life balance is often a complicated issue. The challenges we face in business affect our personal lives and personal challenges affect our businesses.

I work as an independent professional and have therefore realized that the first step to do it is to get a hold on the mood swings and energy shifts if you want be successful as a professional.

Schedule more time for yourself, don't make plans for every weekend, and find effective ways to distance yourself from the things that are causing you the maximum stress.

Learn to Manage Your Time. Become Organized: For a majority of people, most of the stress they feel comes from being disorganized and putting things off.

Resolve to set more realistic goals and deadlines and then stick to them. You'll find that not only are you less stressed, but more productive and better organized.

Share the Load: Albeit we may sometimes feel that we're the only ones capable of doing every task, it's usually not the case. Get your partner and other family members to help you with all your household chores or family responsibilities.

Remember, taking care of the household, children, and parents should not be the sole responsibility of one person.

Just let go of Things once in a while: It's easier said than done, but learn to let go of things, occasionally. So what if the house is not cleaned one day or that the food is ordered from your favorite restaurant sometimes.

Try and identify the things that don't really impact your life in a big way and allow yourself to set yourself free from them without feeling guilty.

Explore Your Options. If you are feeling weighed down with your responsibilities, please find help if you can afford it. Find a baby sitter for your children, a reliable care taker for aging parents, and domestic help for doing the household chores. This will offer you a much needed break for some time or you may make it a permanent arrangement if you wish.

In most of the cases, you have options. All you need to do is take the time to find them.

Take Charge. Set your Priorities. Most of us allow ourselves to feel besieged rather than taking charge and creating a prioritized list of important or things that need to be done. If you’re also in this league, you need to go against the trend.

Make a list. Manage your priorities well and then take pleasure in striking the things off your list.

Make things simpler. Find a way to simplify your life. It comes naturally to almost all of us to take on too many tasks and responsibilities, and then not finding enough time, resources, and energy to do everything by ourselves.

Try and change your way of life. Learn to say no whenever you can afford to. Get rid of all the chaos and disorder in your mind, your work, house, and your life.

At the end of the day, balance is the key. You need to strike the right balance depending on what works for you and what does not. Celebrate your achievements and learn from your failures.

Life is too short, so don't let things pass you in a blur. Take initiatives to stop and smell the flowers along the way, enjoy small happenings in life, and enjoy being with people you love.

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