Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bestow & Accept All Love, No Strings Attached

We feel, therefore we are. Everything that we dream of is based on a desired feeling. Our desired feelings are the basis of our goals and strategic planning.

“Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them “ - John Updike

So does it mean that if we focus on our inner state first, the outer reality has a better prospect of lining up with our ideals? According to me, YES!

I use my feelings as a guide as it is the most direct indicator of whether I am happy or sad. To me, my feelings are a foolproof guidance system, letting me know if I am experiencing excitement or boredom, adored or ignored, comfortable or restless etc.

I try to maintain a high self-esteem and the feeling of happiness, self-empowerment, and contentment in work, good relationships, constant growth and a sense of achievement, all contribute to it.

It is a calm, comfortable feeling of total acceptance and love for yourself. I respect and see myself as a valuable human being by honestly evaluating my good and not-so-good qualities, and look after myself so that I can become all that I am capable of being.

I take due care of my physical, emotional, mental as well as spiritual well being. I try to maintain a balance between extremes of thought, feeling and behavior. I learn from mistakes and say, “I made a mistake, I’m sorry.”

I realize the importance of taking responsibility for my own life and not turning power over to another to make decisions for me, and then feeling victimized if the results are not what I expected. I take responsibility for my own perceptions and reactions. With time I have been able to develop the ability to listen to my wise inner self (intuition), and to act on this guidance.

I know what my strengths and weaknesses are and am open to taking positive risks. But I make it a point to stay away from self-blame, and self-criticism. What works best for me is never interpreting the hurtful words or actions of others as a sign of my disrespect.

I believe that self-esteem should be the very basis of our lives. If there are some parts of our life that need to be changed, we only have the power and the responsibility to restructure them.

I too, have done the best that I could, under various circumstance that have shaped my life so far.

And I strongly believe that with further self-awareness nurturing, and self-acceptance, I’ll continue to grow! Amen...

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