Friday, August 27, 2010

Follow the Footsteps!

Let’s continue with the second one in the series of my “life experiences” that have taught me lessons that have made my life beautiful. Talking about “moments of truth” this one came up on me rather badly. I still don’t know if it was the comment or the act that made the difference but something struck me REAL HARD that day.

I reached office the day after I had taken a sick leave by casually informing my boss over the phone about my illness. Little did I know that like me there were 7 more colleagues who had not showed up that same day, of course, for various reasons? As a result of these emergency leaves, not only did the productivity of work suffer but even the colleagues present in the office had to stretch their work hours.

“The Boss” was fuming with anger and called all us culprits in the meeting room. She went on explaining how our irresponsibility to remain absent from work, whether informed or uninformed, affected so many people in the office, ruined their plans, their mood, and most importantly the work. All the things that she said were very routine and I thought she was being quite insensitive by not thinking about our problems but her own (read work performance related problems). But there was one thing that forced me to think if she was actually being insensitive or was I being too judgemental.

She called us immature and irresponsible and quite frankly, I did not like it. She concluded the meeting saying, the next time you find yourself in a situation where you have to decide between work and your other priorities, think about what your father would have done? Boy oh boy, what a revelation?
She was right. In all the years, I had never seen my father behaving irresponsibly when it came to his work, family, children, and his personal life?

So, for the rest of the day, I could not help thinking about the fact that I surely need to become absolutely responsible for whatever I commit to. It could be my job, work, friends, parents, siblings; anything.
But I made a resolve that day; a resolve to accept those seemingly harsh words and change my attitude and lifestyle for the better. By becoming more disciplined in life and taking responsibility for whatever I take up, I’ll do justice to my life and to those around me.

That day was probably one of the most unpleasant days in my life but it cannot deny the truth that it was a huge eye opener for life. All the good habits that I can boast of today have been the result of following my father’s footsteps. And one thing more; I also learnt that to accept reality and start working upon it is easier that running away from it.

It’s easy to give in to the temptation of shirking from our duties. It has become our way of life because we know everybody does that, so why can’t I? Don’t make the mistake of falling into that trap.

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