Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why You (and I) Should Never Stop Learning

Every new activity calls for learning a new skill.

Children encounter a remarkable learning curve. They learn to crawl, feed themselves, walk, and learn a language and later on figure out how to tie their shoe laces. This process of learning goes on all through school and begins to level off in their college days. In a majority of cases, it comes to a shrieking halt when we get our first job.

It is amazing how many people never take the time to read a book or two after high school. Even those who take up reading never progress beyond the first chapter except for a very little percentage. To add insult to injury, most of them feel so proud of the fact that they do not read.

If you visit the historic homes of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Edison and any other historic icon, you are sure to find a library. Great leaders are readers. Leaders continue on the learning curve all through their life. Leaders continue to learn and grow. Leaders prosper.

Most metropolitan locales include at least one institution of continuing education. Now that most of us are internet savvy, access to online universities is increasing. Continuing education becomes easier and simpler with each passing innovation of technology. No valid excuses exist for pause out on the learning curve. Ah, but you say, "I’ve got no money." But we tend to forget that public libraries are free and even the library card is made free of cost.

Then the other excuse is "I’ve got no time". The counter question is; how much time do you spend watching television? Situation comedies on television entertain you for sure but add nothing to your education. How much time do you spend travelling to and from work? Have it ever crossed your mind to use this time in listening to lectures and discussions. Libraries even provide educational CD's on almost all topics.

If you really desire a turning point in your life and your finances, you need to get back on the learning curve.

If you are single and are seeking a companion, why not meet someone else who is improving their awareness? Seek a companion who also desires to make progress with their life. You will appeal more to them if you are working on expanding your learning curve and they will be more attracted to you when they are moving onward and upward in their life.

Your turning point in life starts the day you jump back into the learning curve with a positive attitude. When you remain persistent and consistent with the improvement of your learning curve, it yields positive results in every aspect of your life.

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